Monday, December 31, 2012

Recycled Art Beginnings

My interest in making something new out of something old is not a new one.

When I was little, I didn't have many coloring books, and I didn't usually ask for them.  Instead, I had a seemingly endless supply of Ladies' Home Journals.  My Grandma Jacobs had a subscription to the magazine for years.  I was between the ages of five and ten, 1983-1988, and some of the magazines were from the 70s.  I have many memories of sitting for hours at a time, reading the articles (you learn some fascinating things from this stuff as a kid!), then using different colors of markers I found laying around to improve the pictures I saw.  Most often I would alter the images of women's faces.  I gave them a decidedly more dramatic look.  a pink highlighter served as blush.  A wide black magic marker provided them with gorgeous manes of wild curls.  A black rolling ball or narrow felt-tip for mascara & eyeliner, and most often, red Sharpie lips.  

6 yr-old Nif thinks Cristina needs blue eyeshadow & red eyes!

Admittedly, my personal taste in makeup and hair was still developing at that age, as were my artistic sensibilities.  

Eventually, I began using blank paper.  But the idea of taking something old (like that outdated fuchsia lip color!), and turning it into something new (a black-eyed demon wearing a furrowed brow and Bette Midler's wicked smile!) never faded.

Or, Bette Midler wearing a Fraggle...Ok...I'll stick with the demon idea.


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